"Blessed is he whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgramage." Ps 84:5

Sunday, December 02, 2007

For your viewing pleasure

Since I don't have much time to update these days (this is my last week of classes before finals) I've decided to post some cartoons I drew this summer. They are really random snapshots of how I often imagine things. That being said, you might think they don't make sense. No offense taken. I hope you enjoy them though!

This is called "Bear Attack"

"Once, twice, three times a she-bear"

"This guy had a lot of problems. Until tonight bear attacks wasn't one of them."

Nancy Kerrigan Halloween
More cartoons to come later

1 comment:

Alesha said...

Oh man, Sam! You crack me up like no other!! Really, we should drink tea and you can show me your comics! :)