"Blessed is he whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgramage." Ps 84:5

Friday, March 03, 2006

Twelth Night

Yes, I am talking about Shakespeare. It's not that I'm a huge Shakespeare dweeb/scholar, but I just went to see our school production of 12th night. It was amazing!!! Twelth Night is my favorite Shakespeare play, out of the few that I've read, and the cast for this show was amazing. All of my senior friends (who are the best of the best) and all of my freshman friend (who are also amazingly talented) and pretty much all of my other friends (also amazing) were in it.
It was great to see Shakespeare on stage as it should be, instead of just reading it. It amazed me to see the characters I had imagined in my mind suddenly on stage. I highly recommend this play, that is if you are in or around Sterling College and can come to it.

Congrats Cast, You are all amazing!!!

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