"Blessed is he whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgramage." Ps 84:5

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Cayla Friedli is Amazing!!!

One of my fellow freshman and lover's of all thing random (Goulet!) is awarded the "Amazing moment" of the week award" two times over! Cayla is definately one of my favorite people over here at Sterling College. She's smart, funny, and good looking (she's also a spaz from time to time). Anyway, I guess you might like to know what she did that thrilled me so.

1.) In the cafeteria last night one of our friends, known for her consistency of crazy, was being her normal self. As Cayla went to get more refreshments our friend put a piece of ice on Cayla's chair. When Cayla sat down the ice melted on her butt. Oh, kids can be so cruel. Anyway, Cayla got upand just sort of stood there for awhile trying to decide how she felt, angry or like laughing. She took her cup of water (which was mostly ice), drank the remaining liquid, paused for another second, and then hurled the ice all over our friend. Classic. What a wonderful dinner! It pretty much made my night.

2.) Later that evening in Miss Cayla's room a few girls and I were hanging out talking about this and that (meaning guys on campus and the like). Cayla, being her usual amazing self, busts out this quote:

"Oh, cause Cayla is so academic all she ever thinks about is studying. Study, study, study,study. And Jesus. Jesus is the only man in her life. I'm sorry but I need an actual physical male!"

Thank you, CaylaFriedli, for making yesterday laugh-a-riffic!
For those who don't really think it's funny...

I guess you had to be there.

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